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The ornamentals in your yard should not be just for looking at, you've worked too hard on your landscape just for a little ocular pleasure. Here's a few reasons to choose fragrant perennials:
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Zones: 3-8 / Blooms in Early Summer - Early Fall
When Nepeta's stems are broken, they release an aroma into the air that tends to attract cats, thus its common name, Catmint. Use 'Purrsian Blue' as a cut flower to get the most out of it's fragrance.
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Zones: 6-9 / Blooms from Midsummer - Early Fall
The foliage is the most fragrant part of this perennial and isn't so strong that it will overwhelm your senses. Due to it's heat and drought tolerance, 'Rosie Posie' is a great perennial for mixed containers. A perfect accent for late summer color on hot patios.
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Zones: 4-8 / Blooms Early - Late Summer
A unique new perennial from Proven Winners, 'Cloudburst' flowers much the same as a Tall Garden Phlox, but has a shorter, mounding habit with blooms stretching all the way to the ground. These flowers are lightly aromatic and will be a favorite of pollinators.
*be sure to give 'Cloudburst' a year or two to settle in
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Zones: 4-8 / Blooms in Mid - Late Summer
The flowers' sweet nectar attracts scores of hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees to the garden. The aromatic foliage smells like mint when crushed and is occasionally used to flavor teas. Try this perennial in cut flower arrangements.
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Zones: 4-9 / Blooms in Early Summer, Rebloom in Early Fall
Lightly fragrant, 'Paint the Town Magenta' will thrive as a border plant alongside walkways and patios. Evergreen foliage will stay nice all year.
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Zones: 3-9 / Blooms in Early - Midsummer
You might notice a pleasant aroma when 'Collier' is in full bloom. This vibrant, versatile perennial will work anywhere you have sun.
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Zones: 4-9 / Blooms from Midsummer - Mid Fall
Russian Sage are know for their fragrance and 'Rocketman' is no exception. Finely textured silvery-green foliage will produce a pleasant scent all summer long.
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Zones: 4-9 / Blooms from Mid - Late Summer
One of the all time best perennials for fragrance and cut flowers, Lavender is a plant you've almost certainly heard of before. PHENOMENAL™ is a very large, hedging lavender that can be used to create a border around the garden and also can be grown as a cut and dried flower for potpourri and culinary uses.
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Zones: 2-7 / Blooms in Mid Spring
A charming, old-fashioned favorite. Pendulous, pure white flowers are very fragrant and are even used in making perfume! Unlike most of the plants on this list, Lily of the Valley has good performance in shady areas and will bloom in spring.
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Zones: 5-10 / Blooms from Late Summer - Early Fall
Honey-scented blossoms will burst on to the scene in late summer and immediately become the focus of your landscape. If you want to see Monarch butterflies in your garden, planting Butterfly Bush like 'Prince Charming' is an easy way to do it.
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Zones: 4-9 / Blooms in Late Spring
At maturity, 'Bartzella' is a perennial rivaled by few. Incredibly elegant flowers have a pronounced sweet fragrance. Use 'Bartzella' for cut flower arrangements in spring.
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Zones: 4-8 / Blooms from Early Summer - Early Fall
The lightly fragrant flowers are a favorite of pollinators and the seed heads will attract birds in fall and winter. Try 'Santa Fe' as a cut flower or on borders around walkways and patios.
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Zones: 3-8 / Blooms Late Spring - Early Summer
The uniform, rounded clump of foliage is aromatic and a nice accent to the garden even when not in bloom. Try this easy to grow perennial in containers!
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Zones: 4-8 / Blooms from Mid - Late Summer
Foliage and flower stems twist and snake unlike other Ornamental Onion. Try this perennial as a stand alone cut flower in clear vases to show off the stems.
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Zones: 3-8 / Blooms Early - Mid Summer
An excellent accent plant because its contrasting silver, textured foliage. 'Moonshine' has a light fragrance you can appreciate with cool summer breezes.
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Zones: 4-9 / Blooms in Midsummer
Another good fragrant perennial for shady areas, 'Amber Moon' will provide a delightful scent in Midsummer. Try this plant as a cut flower to add height and accent to your summer arrangements.
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