28.0-36.0 Inches
24.0-30.0 Inches
Hardiness Zones:
Flower Color:
Purple shades
Foliage Color:
Green shades
Full Sun (> 6 hrs. Direct Sun) Part Shade (4-6 hrs. Direct Sun)
Water Requirements:
Average Water Needs
Soil Quality:
Average Soil Quality Fertile Soil Quality
Soil Chemistry:
Acidic Soil (pH < 7.0) Neutral Soil (pH = 7.0) Alkaline Soil (pH > 7.0)
Late Spring Early Summer Midsummer Late Summer
Attracts Wings:
Attracts Hummingbirds
Critter Resistant:
Deer Resistant
Growth Rate:
Garden Style:
Patio Container Eclectic Woodland Shade
Other Features:
Border Plant Container Cut Flower Cut Foliage Mass Planting Specimen Focal Point
Not Native to North America
A member of
This group of Campanula grows best in fertile soil with a neutral to alkaline pH. Lime can be added to the soil to obtain these conditions. Keep the soil moist but make sure it is well-drained.
Members of this group will grow in either full sun or partial shade, though some shade is recommended in areas with very hot summers. The delicate flower colors are best preserved with some shade. Taller varieties may require staking.
Cutting the plants back hard after flowering will keep them more compact and will help to prevent self-seeding. This action may also result in a second flush of blooms.
28.0-36.0 Inches
24.0-30.0 Inches
Hardiness Zones:
Flower Color:
Purple shades
Foliage Color:
Green shades
Full Sun (> 6 hrs. Direct Sun) Part Shade (4-6 hrs. Direct Sun)
Water Requirements:
Average Water Needs
Soil Quality:
Average Soil Quality Fertile Soil Quality
Soil Chemistry:
Acidic Soil (pH < 7.0) Neutral Soil (pH = 7.0) Alkaline Soil (pH > 7.0)
Late Spring Early Summer Midsummer Late Summer
Attracts Wings:
Attracts Hummingbirds
Critter Resistant:
Deer Resistant
Growth Rate:
Garden Style:
Patio Container Eclectic Woodland Shade
Other Features:
Border Plant Container Cut Flower Cut Foliage Mass Planting Specimen Focal Point
Not Native to North America
A member of
This group of Campanula grows best in fertile soil with a neutral to alkaline pH. Lime can be added to the soil to obtain these conditions. Keep the soil moist but make sure it is well-drained.
Members of this group will grow in either full sun or partial shade, though some shade is recommended in areas with very hot summers. The delicate flower colors are best preserved with some shade. Taller varieties may require staking.
Cutting the plants back hard after flowering will keep them more compact and will help to prevent self-seeding. This action may also result in a second flush of blooms.
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