Clematis 'Fireworks'

Common Name: Clematis

  • A large-flowered variety, 6-8" in diameter

  • Vivid bicolor flowers; color may vary somewhat depending on environment

  • Bright to light purple flowers with a wide, reddish pink central bar

  • White filaments with purple tips and purple anthers coordinate perfectly with the petals

  • Blooms first in May-June and then again in August-September

A member of:
Group 2—Early to midseason flowering cultivars and rebloomers
These varieties begin to bloom in early summer, with the first flush of flowers appearing on the previous year's growth. This is followed by a second flush flowers appearing on the new growth. These flowers will likely be smaller than the first ones and flowers that were double the first time may be single the second time.

The time to prune this group is in late winter or early spring. Dead and weak shoots should be removed and the remaining shoots cut back to 6-9 inches above a couple of well-developed buds.