Totally unlike the tall, spiky Delphinium cultivars, this little beauty stands at a height of 14" and forms compact mounds of well-branched foliage. It puts on a spectacular show from early summer to fall, with 1.5", deep blue flowers which cover the lacy leaves. Though it is short-lived, it is worth using as edging, a bedding plant, or in containers combined with brightly colored annuals.
14.0 Inches
12.0 Inches
Hardiness Zones:
Flower Color:
Blue shades
Foliage Color:
Green shades
Full Sun (> 6 hrs. Direct Sun) Part Shade (4-6 hrs. Direct Sun)
Water Requirements:
Average Water Needs
Soil Quality:
Average Soil Quality Fertile Soil Quality
Soil Chemistry:
Neutral Soil (pH = 7.0) Alkaline Soil (pH > 7.0)
Early Summer Midsummer Late Summer Long Blooming
Attracts Wings:
Attracts Butterflies Attracts Hummingbirds
Critter Resistant:
Deer Resistant Rabbit Resistant
Growth Rate:
Garden Style:
Patio Container Cottage Eclectic
Other Features:
Border Plant Container Cut Flower Cut Foliage Edging Mass Planting Small Miniature
Not Native to North America
Delphiniums thrive in the cooler climates of the north country, though they will grow as far south as zone 7. They grow best in rich, well-drained soil with a basic pH. If your soil is naturally acidic, adding lime will help to provide these conditions. They are also heavy feeders. The addition of compost or manure to the soil as well the use of granular fertilizer will result in healthier, stronger plants.
Delphiniums can be grown in full sun or partial shade, though full sun may help to prevent powdery mildew. When planting, be sure to set the crown at or above soil level to avoid rot. These perennials tend to be short-lived and often start to lose their vigor after 2-3 years. Expect to replant them every few years or propagate new plants from basal cuttings of the original specimens. 'Blue Butterfly' sometimes self-seeds, especially in cool-summer regions.
14.0 Inches
12.0 Inches
Hardiness Zones:
Flower Color:
Blue shades
Foliage Color:
Green shades
Full Sun (> 6 hrs. Direct Sun) Part Shade (4-6 hrs. Direct Sun)
Water Requirements:
Average Water Needs
Soil Quality:
Average Soil Quality Fertile Soil Quality
Soil Chemistry:
Neutral Soil (pH = 7.0) Alkaline Soil (pH > 7.0)
Early Summer Midsummer Late Summer Long Blooming
Attracts Wings:
Attracts Butterflies Attracts Hummingbirds
Critter Resistant:
Deer Resistant Rabbit Resistant
Growth Rate:
Garden Style:
Patio Container Cottage Eclectic
Other Features:
Border Plant Container Cut Flower Cut Foliage Edging Mass Planting Small Miniature
Not Native to North America
Delphiniums thrive in the cooler climates of the north country, though they will grow as far south as zone 7. They grow best in rich, well-drained soil with a basic pH. If your soil is naturally acidic, adding lime will help to provide these conditions. They are also heavy feeders. The addition of compost or manure to the soil as well the use of granular fertilizer will result in healthier, stronger plants.
Delphiniums can be grown in full sun or partial shade, though full sun may help to prevent powdery mildew. When planting, be sure to set the crown at or above soil level to avoid rot. These perennials tend to be short-lived and often start to lose their vigor after 2-3 years. Expect to replant them every few years or propagate new plants from basal cuttings of the original specimens. 'Blue Butterfly' sometimes self-seeds, especially in cool-summer regions.
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