Heuchera 'Frosted Violet' PP15085 COPF

Common Name: Coral Bells

A vigorous, widely clumping heuchera with broad leaves. This one seems to glow from a distance! The new leaves are deep maroon-purple, while the older ones are deep plum purple with darker veining. The fine hairs which cover the leaves catch the light, giving them a "frosted" appearance. The plum-colored undersides exhibit the same characteristic. These colors intensify with the cool fall weather.

This selection produces 30 inch flower scapes lined with dainty flowers that look like pink seed pearls.

Coral bells are easy to grow and blend easily with most other perennials in the landscape. Because of their low, mounding habit, they are often used as edging along paths or in containers. Try cutting a few of the tall flower scapes for fresh bouquets.