Hemerocallis 'Rosy Returns' PP9779

Common Name: Daylily

  • 4", fragrant, rose-pink blend with a deep rose eyezone and yellow throat
  • The first hardy rose pink everblooming daylily
  • Blooms consistently from June to frost in Michigan; each stem bears 9-12 buds
  • Award winner

Daylilies can survive many harsh conditions that other plants cannot including: polluted city environments, slopes, poor and dry soils, near pavement that is salted in winter, and under Black Walnut trees (not affected by juglone).

Characteristics (Compared to Other Daylilies)
  • Early Bloomer, blooming in June.
  • Rebloomer, producing a second set of flowers.
  • Fragrant flowers.
  • Dormant foliage.
  • Diploid with 22 chromosomes. Most plants are Diploids.