Manfreda guttata 'Jaguar'

Common Name: Perennial Deciduous Agave, Spotted False Agave

Like a spotted jaguar cat, this unusual Manfreda is absolutely covered in deep purplish black spots on deep green, glossy, finely toothed leaves.  Like many dark foliage plants, this one requires direct UV exposure to develop the proper purple coloring or it will be green. 

‘Jaguar’ forms a large, upright fountain-like rosette of two inch wide, long, tapering leaves which end in a soft spike.  The leaves are sturdy but flexible, less delicate than those of ‘Chocolate Chips’.  It produces offsets which are also covered in dark speckles. 

Show this plant off in a decorative container which can be brought indoors for the winter if you live north of zone 7b.  Otherwise, plan on replanting each year.