Watch this grass transform through the seasons, turning a deep cinnamon color just in time for autumn. 'Cinnamon Sticks' is one of our reddest selections to date, turning color early and showing off for a long time. For most of the year this perennial grass will take after its common name with vivid blue stems. An exceptionally slender selection, 'Cinnamon Sticks' is perfect for adding height to narrow garden spaces.
Schizachyrium is a great choice if you are looking to restore an eroded site, or for a plant that will grow in hot, dry areas where other plants have a hard time surviving.
32.0-36.0 Inches
24.0-26.0 Inches
Hardiness Zones:
Flower Color:
Tan shades
Foliage Color:
Blue shades Purple shades
Full Sun (> 6 hrs. Direct Sun)
Water Requirements:
Low Water Needs Average Water Needs
Soil Quality:
Average Soil Quality Fertile Soil Quality
Soil Chemistry:
Acidic Soil (pH < 7.0) Neutral Soil (pH = 7.0)
Late Summer Early Fall
Critter Resistant:
Deer Resistant
Seasonal Interest:
Fall Color
Growth Rate:
Garden Style:
Eclectic Prairie Rain Garden
Other Features:
Border Plant Cut Foliage Drought Tolerant Easy To Grow Erosion Control Attractive Foliage Mass Planting Focal Point
Native to North America
This grass is terrific in a border or meadow setting. It needs full sun and is tolerant of heat and humidity. Schizachyrium can grow in either acidic or alkaline soils, and can tolerate a range of moisture conditions including average to extremely dry. It does not need to be fertilized. It's a good idea to cut this grass back to ground level in late fall in order to have a sturdier plant the coming year.
32.0-36.0 Inches
24.0-26.0 Inches
Hardiness Zones:
Flower Color:
Tan shades
Foliage Color:
Blue shades Purple shades
Full Sun (> 6 hrs. Direct Sun)
Water Requirements:
Low Water Needs Average Water Needs
Soil Quality:
Average Soil Quality Fertile Soil Quality
Soil Chemistry:
Acidic Soil (pH < 7.0) Neutral Soil (pH = 7.0)
Late Summer Early Fall
Critter Resistant:
Deer Resistant
Seasonal Interest:
Fall Color
Growth Rate:
Garden Style:
Eclectic Prairie Rain Garden
Other Features:
Border Plant Cut Foliage Drought Tolerant Easy To Grow Erosion Control Attractive Foliage Mass Planting Focal Point
Native to North America
This grass is terrific in a border or meadow setting. It needs full sun and is tolerant of heat and humidity. Schizachyrium can grow in either acidic or alkaline soils, and can tolerate a range of moisture conditions including average to extremely dry. It does not need to be fertilized. It's a good idea to cut this grass back to ground level in late fall in order to have a sturdier plant the coming year.
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